
Authentication is used here to identify an entity and make it easy to verify authorization and permissions on each request. By default, we provide an authentication backend that checks for the API Key format and ensures that an entity with this API key exists. Django REST Framework comes with authentication backends that set the request.user. With the APIKeyAuthentication class, you can find the entity of the Api Key at request.user too.

Working with request.user which might not necessarily be an User might be a little bit counter-intuitive, but we are looking for solutions to have something such as request.entity without having to disrupt the Django REST Framework authentication and authorization flow. If you have some ideas, feel free to open an issue

Use the APIKeyAuthentication backend

In your view, you can add the APIKeyAuthentication class to the authentication_classes attribute.

class YourViewSet(viewsets.ViewSet):
    http_method_names = ["get"]
    authentication_classes = (APIKeyAuthentication, )

By default, we check the authorization header for a value with a similar format 👉 Api-Key API_KEY_VALUE.

The Api-Key is by default AUTHENTICATION_KEYWORD_HEADER which you can modify in the file of your Django project.


Feel free to read the code of the authentication class at